March TEST!!! 5:17 AM

Today officially the March test was held...
We were tested on Modern Maths, Civics, History, and BM..
Well we started off with BM..
We had to write a summary of a text and then answer three questions according to the text..
Well Most it was ok..
But thinking of ways to increase the amount of scolarship was really hard..
So we just shot what ever came into our minds into the paper..
Then was Mod Maths paper..
I could not answer 3 questions..
Was a moderate paper..
Not too easy and not too hard..
Then was recess time..
Some of us skipped recess to study History....
Well when doing the History test my stomach was grumbling..
Civics was the worse test today no options to answer at all!!!
I am sure the teacher is going to get a headache marking the paper..
I could not understand what I wrote myself..
That's all I can say about 4 lily today..
I wonder how the class will be this Friday..
This is Ulu 1 signing off..

Welcome to 4 LILY!!!! 4:21 AM

Well we are proudly to present the first and official 4 lily's Blog in 2009!!!
Today the Ulu gang was officially established...
The five ulu's who refuse to grow apart!!!
Well today as usual the class got crazy at 12.30 PM!!!
We all started to sing and dance and started to think for nicknames to be used in this blog..
Well today we all got scolding from Pn Poh because got the not so clean class for the weak..
Well today the mafia also did not show her mafianess..
Wonder why???
So today was just average..
At Miss Crab's/ Ulu 1 point of view..
That's all this is Miss Crab/Ulu 1 reporting live for the 4 Lilian's!!!!